
Owner of the Website
Epic Fibers Ltd.
seat: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Levendula utca 1. i/24. ép
registration nr.: 07-09-033427

Terms of use regarding the content of the Website
This Website is protected by copyright and any unlicensed use of its content may constitute copyright infringement. Any use of the content of the Website for earning direct or indirect income by copying or re-utilizing it wholly or partially may solely be conducted with the consent of Epic Fibers. Even the insignificant part of the content of the Website may solely be copied or re-utilized on a regular basis without the express consent of the Epic Fibers, if it does not infringe the legitimate interests of the Epic Fibers.
Multiplication of the whole or part of the content of the Website by any means shall be considered as copying.  Any dissemination or making publicly available the whole or a substantial part of the content of the Website by any means shall be considered as a re-utilization.
The contents of the Website may not be used for illegal purposes or for purposes which may jeopardize Epic Fibers’s reputation or business interests. It is prohibited to construct any links to any part of the Website without the prior written consent of Epic Fibers, to display the Website as part of another website using a framework technology, to display the Website on another website as a link, to use the content of the Website without reference to the source, or to display the content of the Website on another website.
Epic Fibers licenses the use of the Website – apart from fair use – in written agreement and in consideration for a fee proportionate to the profit from such usage.
Epic Fibers determines the conditions of fair use of the content of the Website as follows:
• parts of the website may be quoted to the extent justified by the nature and purpose of the receiving work and faithful to the original, by indicating the Website as source and – if indicated on the Website – the name of the author;
• insignificant parts of the Website may be copied and published in printed or electronic media for informational purposes with indicating the source;
• insignificant parts of the Website may be copied for private use, if such use does not serve the purpose of earning income directly or indirectly;
• significant part of the content of the Website may be copied and re-utilized for school education or scientific research purposes to the extent and in a manner justified by the purpose, with the condition that the source shall be indicated and such use may not serve the purpose of earning income directly or indirectly. Use of the contents of the Website in other works is considered to be re-utilization if the extent of the use exceeds quotation.
Fair use is free of charge and may be conducted without the license of Epic Fibers. Such use is solely permitted on the basis of the regulations on fair use, if it is not prejudicial to the ordinary use of the Website; does not unduly prejudice the legitimate interests of Epic Fibers; complies with the requirements of good faith and fairness; and its purpose is not intended to be incompatible with the purpose of fair use.
Any use of the content of the Website which is not in compliance with the above provisions or such use exceeds the extent of the fair use results in illegal usage. In this case, Epic Fibers will enforce its right to remedy provided by law.
Limitation of liability
Epic Fibers uses its reasonable endeavors to ensure the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information on the Website, however, Epic Fibers does not warrant that the Information meets the above criteria and Epic Fibers shall not be liable for that.
Epic Fibers excludes the liability for any damages arising from the use of the data or information contained on the Website. The posts and descriptions on this Website are for information purposes only.
Any links to other websites on this Website are for information purposes only, Epic Fibers is not involved in and does not participate in any form of the production of the content of such websites and Epic Fibers excludes its liability for any damages arisen by the use of such websites’ content.